August 20 2013

Visit with Becca, Dave & Dad.

Helen awake and alert.

I spoke with Dr McLusky to find out how Helen is getting on, medically.

I am to chase bone flap with John Radcliffe and report back to Holy Cross.  Judi advised that I should then write a letter to Holy Cross setting out action points for everyone to complete. Dr said that time was right for it to go back in.

Judi said that Helen was doing well on eye gaze.  She has a responsiveness time of approx 12.5 minutes since her shunt revision.  This is really good and an improvement.

Her blood sugars keep dipping low so Lantus has been decreased to 82 units. She has started on anti-convulsants purely as a prophylactic.  Seizures at this stage could be catastrophic and certainly detrimental. Her acne clearing up well because of the low dose of antibiotics. Bowels under control.  The Baclofen dose has been adjusted and the staff have to keep an eye on contractures.

I told Dr McLusky that Helen always had cold feet.  He said she probably wouldn't have circulatory problems because of her age but they will always keep an eye on her because of the diabetes.  Ingrowing toenails are clear at the moment.

Becca did facial for her and painted toenails.  Dave spoke to Judi about light show he had seen and was told to speak to the manufacturer about whether there are strobe effects and any heat output.  Lava lamp was ruled out because of heat.

I cleaned teeth & managed to brush her tongue. Advised nurse that her tongue was growing something on it! She said she would look and possibly get Nystatin for it.

Helen's Hope: August 20 2013

Tuesday 20 August 2013

August 20 2013

Visit with Becca, Dave & Dad.

Helen awake and alert.

I spoke with Dr McLusky to find out how Helen is getting on, medically.

I am to chase bone flap with John Radcliffe and report back to Holy Cross.  Judi advised that I should then write a letter to Holy Cross setting out action points for everyone to complete. Dr said that time was right for it to go back in.

Judi said that Helen was doing well on eye gaze.  She has a responsiveness time of approx 12.5 minutes since her shunt revision.  This is really good and an improvement.

Her blood sugars keep dipping low so Lantus has been decreased to 82 units. She has started on anti-convulsants purely as a prophylactic.  Seizures at this stage could be catastrophic and certainly detrimental. Her acne clearing up well because of the low dose of antibiotics. Bowels under control.  The Baclofen dose has been adjusted and the staff have to keep an eye on contractures.

I told Dr McLusky that Helen always had cold feet.  He said she probably wouldn't have circulatory problems because of her age but they will always keep an eye on her because of the diabetes.  Ingrowing toenails are clear at the moment.

Becca did facial for her and painted toenails.  Dave spoke to Judi about light show he had seen and was told to speak to the manufacturer about whether there are strobe effects and any heat output.  Lava lamp was ruled out because of heat.

I cleaned teeth & managed to brush her tongue. Advised nurse that her tongue was growing something on it! She said she would look and possibly get Nystatin for it.


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