September 4 2013

Helen in her wheelchair when I got there about 1630. She turned to me when I said her name. Took her outside to the terrace. Seems alert today. No coughing. No sweating. Her skin is looking much clearer. Tracking me occasionally. I picked a couple of sweet peas and put them in her hand to let her feel different textures.  She withdrew and grimaced when I put ice on her cheek!!  

Went back down at about 1745 for meds.  She appeared to be uncomfortable and was fidgeting her legs as if she was in discomfort from sitting too long.  Went back to bed after meds. I spoke to the nurse to ask other nurses not to inject in her arms in the same place all the time as she is developing lumps.  This is probably from the Clexane. 

Watched telly for a bit then I put on the projector.  I left her with the red magical one.  I told nurse that it could stay on for a maximum of 6 hours before it had to be turned off.  We need a shelf to put it on.

Helen's Hope: September 4 2013

Wednesday 4 September 2013

September 4 2013

Helen in her wheelchair when I got there about 1630. She turned to me when I said her name. Took her outside to the terrace. Seems alert today. No coughing. No sweating. Her skin is looking much clearer. Tracking me occasionally. I picked a couple of sweet peas and put them in her hand to let her feel different textures.  She withdrew and grimaced when I put ice on her cheek!!  

Went back down at about 1745 for meds.  She appeared to be uncomfortable and was fidgeting her legs as if she was in discomfort from sitting too long.  Went back to bed after meds. I spoke to the nurse to ask other nurses not to inject in her arms in the same place all the time as she is developing lumps.  This is probably from the Clexane. 

Watched telly for a bit then I put on the projector.  I left her with the red magical one.  I told nurse that it could stay on for a maximum of 6 hours before it had to be turned off.  We need a shelf to put it on.


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